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This track is tall, dark and handsome… in the literal sense.

 ‘FIVE MILES AWAY’ is a concept Ep that sounds like a Christopher Nolan movie soundtrack – a hybrid universe of post-punk/cinematic sound attack. 

The single “Five Miles Away” directed by Gareth Kay tells the story of a guy who does not have a world of possibilities in front of him, he has no possibilities, he literally cannot imagine a way to change his life. It’s a metaphor for the need to push through the walls we put around ourselves. Sometimes to love your neighbour as you love yourself is a journey to become also a better person.

M ΛTSCH combines a mix of organic rock and hypnotic electronic soundscapes, layered with minimal electro lines and a straightforward melody, in which the influences of Depeche Mode, The Cure, and Barry De Vorzon composer are audible and deeply felt.
